How It Works
We know convenience matters, so we offer scheduled delivery days to serve our neighbors best.
Choose Delivery
Select the “Delivery” option from the top location drop-down. Enter your address to start browsing products available for delivery to your location.
Build Your Order
To ensure efficient service, a $75 minimum order is required for local deliveries within 10 miles, while out-of-town deliveries up to 50 miles have a $150 minimum order.
Check Out and Pay
Local deliveries within 10 miles are available Monday through Saturday, and out-of-town deliveries up to 50 miles are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Cannabis Delivery FAQS
What is your delivery radius?
Is there a delivery fee?
What are the delivery hours?
Who is eligible for delivery?
How can I track my order?
What products are available for delivery?